Amelia Emery
is a highly qualified Secondary English teacher looking to make her way in the world of words beyond the classroom. She spends most of her words prompting students toward independent thought, providing samples and scaffolds for them to stand on, and hoping to instill in them at least a little bit of the love of words that she has. Mrs. Emery's words want to break free of the day-to-day classroom and run wild through the minds of people who might actually want to read them.
Feet Up Friday
Messy desk, ungraded papers, classroom disorder. This is real teacher life. It is not Insta-worthy or Pinterest Perfect. It is real, in the trenches, hard work that leaves you both exhausted and exhilarated at the end of the day.
See What I Do
Check the links for samples of my work.
My Philosophy
I am an educator. My focus has been on the high school students and English Language Arts Curriculum. I have also taught Freshman Composition at the university level.
I aspire to write and publish a line of educational materials for high school which broadens the worldview of students.
One of the major deficiencies in learning that I see in my students is the lack of connectedness between subjects and even between units within one subject. My ideal educational materials would integrate subject matter so that students could see the interconnectedness of education and therefore establish stronger skills and greater knowledge.