Amelia Emery Amelia Emery


I have a lot of potential energy but not much kinetic energy. Some of this complacency or potential energy is due to health issues: chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and long COVID. Another cause of my complacency is the simple thought when faced with a situation or problem, “That’s not an immediate problem; I can figure it out tomorrow.”

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Long Commutes
Amelia Emery Amelia Emery

Long Commutes

How long is your commute? Technically mine is about three feet, but today it took me 2 1/2 hours to get to work.

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On COVID and In Bed
Amelia Emery Amelia Emery

On COVID and In Bed

Despite being careful with masks, distancing, and vaccines, I managed to get COVID 4 times. the last 2 times really threw me for a loop. A year later, I’m still struggling with the lingering damage COVID did to my body.

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